We were shocked and saddened to learn of the sudden death of RMT GS Bob Crow who was a symbol of courageous and fighting unionism. There is no doubt that his early death was a loss for his family, his union and workers everywhere, as Bob Crow was one of the leaders of a new direction of the labour and trade union movement internationally that refused to accept the capitalist domination as a fait accompli and fought to change the tide of history.
We in WAC MAAN found in Bob Crow’s RMT a union that opened its doors to new ideas and new initiatives, stood strongly with the Palestinian people and always emphasized the need of Arab and Jewish workers to cross the sectarian and religious lines and to join hands on a class basis.
We will always remember him for what he was – a working class hero
may he rest in peace knowing that his union and fighters for justice and workers rights go on in his struggle
Assaf Adiv
National Coordinator