Maa’n – Workers’ Organization (Non-Profit) receives tax-exempt donations.
By contributing to Maa’n, you are assisting us in continuing our unique on-the-ground activities that support Jewish and Arab workers in Israel who strive for human dignity and fair working conditions.
In February 2018, Maa’n was recognized as an association eligible to receive tax-deductible donations. The approval granted by the Knesset Finance Committee for Maa’n’s exemption according to Section 46 of the Income Tax Ordinance was extended in 2020 until December 31, 2023.
Extensive fieldwork constitutes a source of support and inspiration for thousands of workers, Jews, and Arabs, from the most economically disadvantaged sectors of the population, creating a daily reality of constructive action and a foundation for shared lives between the two nations. This work characterizes Ma’an as an organization committed to the principle of true partnership between Jews and Arabs based on equality.
According to Article 46, the tax exemption represents a form of recognition by the authorities of the significant value of this social and humanitarian work.
The tax benefit from the authorities is granted to non-profit organizations that promote and assist the public in society, culture, and humanitarian subjects. The decision of the Finance Committee was made in light of the Tax Authority’s recommendation, which examined Ma’an’s request and was convinced that the organization indeed meets the criteria of a Public Benefit Company working for the public’s benefit.
Donors who wish to contribute to Ma’an will now enjoy a tax benefit of 35% of the donation amount. For more details, see here.
Donate to Ma’an and help us expand our scope of work. Now you’ll also benefit from a tax exemption on your donation.
For more information, contact Asaf Adib, CEO of Ma’an, at 050-4330034 or email