We want to thank the dedicated WAC-MAAN team working in East Jerusalem: Yoav Tamir, Rania Saleh, Sujud Suliman, and Attorney Aya Bartenstein. We also thank the members of WAC-MAAN who opened their hearts to us and agreed to be interviewed under their own names: Rania Julani, Hitam Falah, Raida Salhut, Fid’a Shweiki, and Jihan Sha’er.
Our thanks also go to Marik Stern, lead researcher at the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, and to Wafa Ayoub, Director of the Rian Center in East Jerusalem.
We thank the following foundations for supporting our work at the WAC-MAAN East Jerusalem branch:
WAC-MAAN is the sole responsible party for the contents of this report.
Erez Wagner – Research and reporting
Roni Ben Efrat and Attorney Aya Bartenstein – Editing
Translator: Arda Ohannessian
[1] Statistical weighting according to Tables VI1 in the Jerusalem Yearbooks 2010-2016 of the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies. Throughout this report, percentages are rounded to the nearest integer.
[2] Report of the National Insurance Institute of Israel [NII] in 2014,
[3] WAC-MAAN Report [in Hebrew], East Jerusalem – A Socio-Economic Disaster
[4] According to Tables VI2 in the Jerusalem Yearbooks 2010-2016, Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies.
[5] Statistical weighting of tables: (1) Poverty line according to family size, 2010–2014 (National Insurance Institute VI/2); and (2) Table VI/2 in the Jerusalem Yearbook, 2010–2016, Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies.
[6] The Central Bureau of Statistics [CBS] differentiates between the main working-age range for men and women (25-64) and the legal working age, which is 15 and up.
[7] Table VII/1 in the Yearbook 2016, Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, showing figures for 2014.
[8] Table VII/1, Jerusalem Yearbook 2016, Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies.
[9] The CBS categorizes workers by two criteria: economic sector and occupation.
[10] Table VII/9, Jerusalem Yearbook 2016, Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies.
[11] “Five Years Have Passed…” report (Chap. 2, Section B), Ir Amim,
[12] Gender Analysis of WAC-MAAN’s target group
[13] Weighting in Table VII/10 , Jerusalem Yearbook 2016, Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, and Table 2/20, Yearbook 2015, CBS. Both show figures for 2014.
[14] “Five Years Have Passed…” report (Chap. 4), Ir Amim,
[15] Figures for 2014 – Jerusalem Yearbook 2016, Table VIII/11, Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies
[16] From a summary of the 11 July, 2016 meeting of the East Jerusalem Economic Development and Employment Comm. of the Municipality, chaired by Deputy Mayor Ofer Berkowitz, and convened by WAC-MAAN Coordinator, Erez Wagner, who also attended.
[17] Figures for 2015 – Table 2/20, Yearbook 2016, CBS.
[18] From a summary of the 11 July, 2016 meeting of the East Jerusalem Economic Development and Employment Committee of the Municipality.
[19] Article by Natalia Nowitzki, MyNet Jerusalem, 31 March 2017.
[20] Citypass Spokesperson, in response to article by Natalia Berkowitz.
[21] According to the response of the spokesperson for the Employment Service to a Freedom of Information request by WAC-MAAN on 22 February 2017.[:]