Palestinian workers at Maya Foods join WAC- MAAN to fight for their rights
After years of passivity caused by fear of layoffs, workers
After years of passivity caused by fear of layoffs, workers
The independent trade union center WAC-MAAN releases a comprehensive report
[:en]On Dec. 18, 2018,Palestinian workers at NA Metal Industries, in the settlement of Mishor Adumim, declared a warning strike after the employer had refused to meet their basic demands. [:]
[:en]Following the signing of the agreement, many employers in the industrial zone have raised their workers’ wages to minimum and begun issuing proper wage slips in an effort to keep their workers satisfied and thus avoid unionizing. [:]
Tax regulations for Palestinian workers in the Israeli Settlements is based on Jordanian law and as a result workers are paying higher taxes than the colleagues in Israel or in PA area. When it comes to settlements, Israel is ignoring international law – but where workers’ rights are concerned, international law requires compliance.
Published on Haaretz.com on June 5 2015 by Tali Heruti Sover. Set up at the start of the Oslo process, Nitzanei Shalom employs hundreds of Palestinians and is run according to Israeli standards, with one glaring exception
An Israeli employer of Palestinians inside a West Bank settlement, with the help of Israeli authorities, is exploiting the military permit regime in order stop his workers from unionizing, a High Court petition alleges. by Michael Schaffer Omer-man, 972mag, 15.9.14
The manager of Soda Stream presents himself and his operation in the occupied West Bank as an “island of peace.” In reality, the situation of Palestinian workers in the settlements is far from this ideal.
The documentary Seeds of Peace tells the untold story of Palestinian workers who are employed by Israeli employers in the Settlement Industrial Zones of the Israeli occupies West Bank. It is a must-see for anyone who is interested in the Palestinian question and the struggle of workers to achieve their rights.