International Women’s Day: Women Making Change
An outstanding gathering organized by WAC-Maan and Sindyanna of the Galilee marked International Women’s Day at the Baqa Al-Gharbiyye community center on March 7, 2015.
An outstanding gathering organized by WAC-Maan and Sindyanna of the Galilee marked International Women’s Day at the Baqa Al-Gharbiyye community center on March 7, 2015.
What prevents an Arab woman living in Israel from working? It turns out that beyond barriers related to education, public transport and infrastructure, government policy is a significant part of the problem. Arab women are interested to work in agriculture, but employers prefer to import workers and employ them illegally. A meeting of Israeli Arab women with government representatives took place on Monday (12/15/2014) in Kara, to discuss the issue and ask the government to work diligently to increase the rate of employment of Arab women
On March 13, 2013 the independent trade union, WAC-Maan, declared an industrial dispute at “Jana Beverages Industries LTD” which produces light beverages. The factory is located in upper Nazareth’s industrial zone.
Women in white, Jews and Arabs, and like-minded men, marched together along Ben Tsion Boulevard from King George street to the corner of Rothschild Boulevard and HaBima Theater. There was a lot of energy, with calls shouted out to the rhythm given by Asma Aghbarieh-Zahalka of Daam on the megaphone. She shouted: “chauvinism” and the marchers answer “irhal” (“go away” in Arabic). “Exploitation of working women – irhal, sexual assault – irhal, military strikes – irhal”… The Boulevard is too short, it turns out, for real protest. (“Irhal”, in Arabic, you may recall, is the word Egyptian protesters shouted out, calling Mubarak to leave.)
In these very days, marking 100 years of Women’s International Day, a new chapter is being written in history by millions of women and men in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain and elsewhere. We salute the workers who first raised the banner of revolt in Egypt in 2008, who persisted and who now see the fruit of their sacrifices. This is the springtime of the peoples in the Arab world, opening a gateway of hope for all. At last we may dare to believe that we can determine our destinies, securing the right to live and work in dignity.