The failure of Israel’s Vaccine Nationalism proves we need a global response
The threat of a new Covid -19 variant Omicron led
The threat of a new Covid -19 variant Omicron led
MAAN renews its commitment to stand forPalestinian workers! Presents a
Throughout the difficult period of Covid-19, the Women’s Empowerment group in Baqa al-Gharbia has continued its activities, led by its moderator, Hana Taufik. During the first lockdown, which lasted from mid-March to the end of May, Taufik held shorter meetings than usual through video links three times a week. Since June, ordinary meetings have resumed in the office or outdoors.
The Coronavirus crisis has created a difficult challenge for the WAC-MAAN women’s sector, which organizes Arab women in Israel – especially women with low education levels – helping them to integrate within the labour market. Prior to the crisis, the rate of participation of Arab women in labour market in Israel was 35%, compared to 85% among Jewish women. The vast majority work in jobs such as services, agriculture and cleaning. Many are part time, wages are low, and employment rights are partial.
Workers at an Israeli plant which employs Palestinians in the
The Palestinian workers at Green Net Recycling are unionized with
Despite high unemployment in Israel in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis, the National Economic Council rushed to promote a proposal to enable 4,000 migrant laborers to enter the country to work in care homes
In light of the Coronavirus crisis and its harm to East Jerusalem residents, WAC MAAN launched an Arabic-language emergency hotline, providing assistance and counseling to Corona victims regarding their employment and Social Security. Additionally, in March WAC published, in both an online booklet and on its Facebook page, guidelines in Arabic on how to file unemployment claims. In order to operate the hotline, WAC opened a dedicated WhatsApp account to which it could send scanned documents. It recruited some 10 volunteers who were trained to assist WAC staff in helping hundreds of people to receive the necessary documentation from the Employment Service and submit them to Social Security.
April 2020 Newsletter April 2020 Newsletter #fightcovid-19 #defendworkersrights WAC MAAN
Tens of thousands of Palestinian workers will be sleeping in